This Practical Guide presents strategies and best practices for expanding the community-based behavioral health workforce through increased use of community-initiated care and behavioral health support specialists.
This study highlights the benefits of peer crisis respites and identifies common competencies, operations, and funding of peer crisis respites in a national sample of programs across the U.S.
This evidence-based guide provides strategies and insights specific to at-risk groups to support interventions and help prevent suicides.
This Practical Guide provides key considerations for guiding people in the appropriate use of 988 and 911. It offers practical steps for integrating crisis care into daily practice, real world scenarios, sample scripts, and de-escalation techniques.
Guidance document to support mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers utilization of 988.
Guidance document to support 988 readiness and operations across states and territories.
Informational overview for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics and their role in a comprehensive crisis response system.
Research providing framework for facilities-based crisis program design that considers the needs of people in crisis and key stakeholders.
Action Alliance conducted interviews with public and private entities to identify challenges facing the crisis workforce and strategies used by employers to hire and support these vital workers. Findings from these interviews are presented here.
Series of ten papers which focuses on various issue areas in implementing a connected, strong, comprehensive, and effective behavioral health crisis services system nationwide that is accessible to all.
Resources, guidance, and examples for integrating peer support in crisis services across the crisis continuum.
A thorough examination of imminent risk data related to the 988 Lifeline network is provided, highlighting its complexities, limitations, and outlining necessary steps for future enhancement.
This 988 operational guidance document was created with a co-sponsorship group of partners across critical working sectors involved with 988.
Peer Support Certification standards for substance use, mental health, and family peer support. Collaborated effort with federal, state, tribal, and local partners to build a robust national mental health strategy.
National survey of Mobile Crisis Teams, intended to describe the national landscape of MCTs to inform the development of local, state, and federal roadmaps for crisis care systems.
Guiding documents created to help system leaders and providers deliver services, set policy agendas, inform funding legislation, and build programs leading to a robust mental health continuum of care.
Document outlining next steps for the ideas put forth in Beyond beds: The vital role of the full continuum of psychiatric care. Provides a broad view of mental health and substance crisis services as well as policy considerations for building an effective crisis service continuum.
Guide for states, territories, tribes, and others designed to accelerate universal adoption, recognition, and integration of the peer workforce, including substance use, mental health, and family peer certifications.
Guide to best practices, implementation strategies, and practical recommendations for states and localities in the design and development of youth and family 988 crisis response programs.
Toolkit supporting crisis care program design, development, implementation, and quality improvement efforts. Provides a guide for mental health authorities, agency administrators, service providers, and state and local leaders to develop their own crisis care systems.
Document detailing the need for crisis stabilization services and support structures for children, youth, young adults, and their families, and outlining the components of a successful crisis stabilization program.